Thursday, January 24, 2013

What is this all about??

So this is my attempt at blogging. I thought it would be a good idea for me to start this for two reasons.  One, I always joke that my life could be a book.  It always seems so crazy and that I get myself into things that are definately noteworthy. Two, I have a huge passion for farming of any kind...crops, flowers, organic along with other miscellaneous passions like chickens, goats, rabbits and horses.  I also have 2 children with one on the way and I thought I could share my experiences raising small kids on a farm.  This may sound quite boring but until you live it, it is rather fun and often hectic. I love the thought of raising my children on a farm and teaching them where food comes from, how it's grown and how to raise it from either seed or baby to what is on our dinner plate.  I have been lucky enough to have the 10 acres here in Norton to do all this experimenting on.  I have to say, this is mostly a learning process and though we have been here 5 years, there is no method to my madness.  If I have an interest in growing something I will try it.  It is such a fun hobby and I want to encourage others to not be afraid to try your hand at gardening or even having chickens to have a fresh omlet in the morning...there's nothing like it.  It's really fun to send your kids on an "easter egg" hunt every day to find all the eggs our 15 something free range chickens lay.  We have only had our Newzealand white rabbits about a year now and have gone through the experience of having a few litters of babies...which there is nothing cuter than a baby bunny!!  Unfortunately for them, they are bound for our plate at some point in their lives.  Rabbit is rather tasty and can be substituted for any chicken recipe.  Not only that but I know exactly what is going into my meat which for me, is super important.  Nowadays, there are so many antibiotics and hormones and who knows what else injected into the meat that I personally don't want all that going into my body. I want to know what I'm eating.  With that said, time to do my barn rounds and feed everyone so gotta go for now.  Hope you enjoy reading!

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